Knowledge Base

SimpleBase provides a sleek, modern, and user-friendly Knowledge Base that's super powerful. With AI, you can create articles in seconds, translate them into multiple languages, and publish them on your own domain with your custom brand identity.

Knowledge Base

SimpleBase provides a sleek, modern, and user-friendly Knowledge Base that's super powerful. With AI, you can create articles in seconds, translate them into multiple languages, and publish them on your own domain with your custom brand identity.

Knowledge Base

SimpleBase provides a sleek, modern, and user-friendly Knowledge Base that's super powerful. With AI, you can create articles in seconds, translate them into multiple languages, and publish them on your own domain with your custom brand identity.

AI Superpowers

Never worry about the content again. Let AI handle the heavy lifting for you.

Never worry about the content again. Let AI handle the heavy lifting for you.

Never worry about the content again. Let AI handle the heavy lifting for you.

Step into the new world of content creation. Create, translate, rewrite, and get new article ideas in seconds using our AI tools. Don't let writer's block stop you.

Step into the new world of content creation. Create, translate, rewrite, and get new article ideas in seconds using our AI tools. Don't let writer's block stop you.

Step into the new world of content creation. Create, translate, rewrite, and get new article ideas in seconds using our AI tools. Don't let writer's block stop you.

Article creation shouldn't take long anymore.

Our AI-powered platform, streamline your article creation process and effortlessly craft engaging content.

Article creation shouldn't take long anymore.

Our AI-powered platform, streamline your article creation process and effortlessly craft engaging content.

Article creation shouldn't take long anymore.

Our AI-powered platform, streamline your article creation process and effortlessly craft engaging content.

Rewrite articles with just a few clicks

Highlight a text block and input your command to have AI generate a fresh version for you. It's the easiest way to refresh content while maintaining the original essence.

Rewrite articles with just a few clicks

Highlight a text block and input your command to have AI generate a fresh version for you. It's the easiest way to refresh content while maintaining the original essence.

Rewrite articles with just a few clicks

Highlight a text block and input your command to have AI generate a fresh version for you. It's the easiest way to refresh content while maintaining the original essence.

Translate articles

SimpleBase is built with a 'translation-first' mindset. Use our AI tool to automatically translate your articles into 30+ languages and view them in a side-by-side editor

Translate articles

SimpleBase is built with a 'translation-first' mindset. Use our AI tool to automatically translate your articles into 30+ languages and view them in a side-by-side editor

Translate articles

SimpleBase is built with a 'translation-first' mindset. Use our AI tool to automatically translate your articles into 30+ languages and view them in a side-by-side editor

Create Private Knowledge Bases for your team or internal projects

Create Private Knowledge Bases for your team or internal projects

Create engaging articles in seconds with our AI features

Create engaging articles in seconds with our AI features

Connect with customers in their language

Connect with customers in their language

Stunning templates with custom branding on your own domain

Stunning templates with custom branding on your own domain

Multilingual Knowledge Base

Multilingual Knowledge Base

SimpleBase is multilingual, supporting 30+ languages. Add as many as you need and translate your content in seconds.

SimpleBase is multilingual, supporting 30+ languages. Add as many as you need and translate your content in seconds.

Engineered to fluently speak multiple languages

Help your customers in their own language, support without barriers

See what needs to be translated at a glance

Add a new language to SimpleBase, and it will provide a translation list to assist you in the process.

Side-by-side article translation editor

With our dual-pane side-by-side editor, you can ensure that the context in the native language is always preserved

Enhanced features

Enhanced features

Enhanced features

Private Knowledge Bases

Secure your Knowledge Base by granting access exclusively to your team. Invite members individually or allow an entire email domain.

Private Knowledge Bases

Secure your Knowledge Base by granting access exclusively to your team. Invite members individually or allow an entire email domain.

Custom domain

Connect your own domain to serve as the URL for your Knowledge Base, personalizing your platform's web presence.

Custom domain

Connect your own domain to serve as the URL for your Knowledge Base, personalizing your platform's web presence.

Custom code

Integrate custom CSS and JS codes to tailor the functionality and aesthetics of your knowledge base to your preferences

Custom code

Integrate custom CSS and JS codes to tailor the functionality and aesthetics of your knowledge base to your preferences

Unlimited Content

Create an unlimited number of categories and articles without any limits on viewers or bandwidth.

Unlimited Content

Create an unlimited number of categories and articles without any limits on viewers or bandwidth.

Featured articles

Highlight articles by marking them as featured, ensuring they prominently appear on the Knowledge Base

Featured articles

Highlight articles by marking them as featured, ensuring they prominently appear on the Knowledge Base

Related articles

Tag articles as related to help visitors quickly find the information they need.

Related articles

Tag articles as related to help visitors quickly find the information they need.

Custom Branding

Customize every aspect of your Knowledge Base to match with your brand identity, integrating it to reflect as if it were an in-house built tool.

Custom Branding

Customize every aspect of your Knowledge Base to match with your brand identity, integrating it to reflect as if it were an in-house built tool.

Search engine optimization

Utilize dynamic, visual roadmaps for a comprehensive overview of project timelines and milestones.

Search engine optimization

Utilize dynamic, visual roadmaps for a comprehensive overview of project timelines and milestones.

Rich Text Editor

Create visually appealing and content rich articles to provide the best possible assistance to your customers.

Rich Text Editor

Create visually appealing and content rich articles to provide the best possible assistance to your customers.


Always stay on top of business-critical metrics

SimpleBase offers advanced analytics to help you understand your knowledge base performance. Keep your knowledge data-driven.

SimpleBase offers advanced analytics to help you understand your knowledge base performance. Keep your knowledge data-driven.

SimpleBase offers advanced analytics to help you understand your knowledge base performance. Keep your knowledge data-driven.

Track unique visitors and page views

Gain a comprehensive insight into your unique visitors and page views over a specific period

Monitor average visit time and bounce rate

Analyze average visit duration and bounce rate to gauge user engagement and website performance

Insights: Top Pages and Traffic Sources

Review top pages and sources to identify popular content and traffic origins

Insights: Top Locations and Active Users

Discover the Top Locations and Active Users on Your Platform

Insights: Browser and Device Top Performers

Analyze the top browsers and devices accessing your website to optimize compatibility and user experience

Try the best
customer support experience

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© 2024 — Team SimpleBase




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Our website uses cookies to analyze site usage and help us in our marketing. By using our site, you consent to cookie storage. You can change your preferences anytime in your browser settings. For more details, see our Privacy Policy.